Infrared Sauna Blanket detoxifies the body, relaxes the mind, boosts your mood, promotes glowing skin, and stokes a healthy DOSE of your brain’s feel-good chemicals (a rejuvenating, euphoric experience that we call ‘getting high, naturally’).

HigherDOSE’s Sauna Blanket is the original at-home infrared device, beloved by celebrities and health experts around the world.

Refresh to recover better 

Be still and be healed. That basically sums up the mantra of infrared sauna blankets. You virtually don't do any work at all except perhaps to get in and out of it. The far-infrared light can work its magic on its own and penetrate right through your skin to your muscles and tissues to relieve pain and inflammation. Because it also boosts circulation, oxygen is delivered right where it's needed, making muscle recovery even speedier.

Get high the natural way 

With infrared sauna blankets, you can look great and feel great without using any chemical treatments with harmful ingredients. Instead, get addicted to your own self-loving alchemy as your body gently responds to the reviving heat from the infrared sauna blankets. 

Stoke up with a healthy dose of endorphins 

Get rid of the blues with an endorphin lift. The heat from the infrared sauna blankets can trick the brain into thinking that the body is about to experience pain. Triggered into defensive mode, it releases feel-good chemicals (your endorphins) to duke it out with the anticipated pain (which doesn't happen!). So you feel euphoric without going through any discomfort. Infrared sauna blankets are definitely non-believers of "no pain, no gain."

The far-infrared detox difference

The heat energy boosts blood circulation to deliver all the nutrients the body needs to recover, penetrates deep to relax tense muscles, and heals damaged tissues. This is why far-infrared is used for powerful tissue healing and muscle recovery. Worried about high EMF radiation (electromagnetic field waves given off by cell phones and other electronic devices and which causes headaches) from far-infrared light? With the low EMF levels of HigherDOSE's Infrared Sauna Blanket, you're as safe as a snowball in winter.

Near-infrared light differs from far-infrared light because of its shorter wavelengths that are visible as red light. Unlike far-infrared, it doesn't give off heat. Although it can also relieve muscle tension, it is more popular for skin rejuvenation, as a refreshing pick-me-up, or as calming and soothing therapy.  


1 session = $25

2 sessions = $45

Unlimited sessions (for the month) = $100

Service time: 10-30mins